Friday, 9 August 2019

Helping Your Child Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety


Feeling anxious is quite normal when you go through certain changes in your life. The same is also true when it comes to going back to school for children and teens, or for beginners in kindergarten. These changes can be extremely stressful and hard to deal with for the entire family. You child while going school for the first time may cling, cry, have temper tantrums, complain of headaches or upset stomach, go away, and become sullen or irritable.

In this post, we are going to present you with a couple of techniques that can help your child cope with back-to-school anxiety. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

Look After the Basics

Tiredness and empty stomach reduces our ability to deal with anything. Anxiety in child can make them forget to eat, or less hungry, and impact their sleep as well. Doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal say that you should offer nutritious snacks to your child frequently. Make a proper routine for your child and make them follow it. It will make your child’s life more predictable.

Encourage Your Child to Share His or Her Fears

Encourage your child to share their fears with you. Let them know that it is common for everyone to have certain fears and issues, say doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal. Set a particular place and time to discuss your child’s concerns with them. There is some child who prefers to have conversation in a private place with undivided attention by your side.

Role-Play With Your Child

Role-play can be one of the most effective approaches to help your child cope with their anxiety. If executed properly, role-play can enhance the level of confidence in your child that will make them a better version of themselves to handle certain situations, say doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal. For instance, you can play the role of your child and show them appropriate way to deal with certain situation when being faced.

So, use these tips to help your child cope with their school anxiety. Avoidance can lead to severe consequences in the long run. If the above mentioned techniques fail, opt for anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

1 comment:

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