Friday, 4 February 2022

How to Combat Seasonal Depression?


mental health doctor in Bhopal

There are many ways to combat seasonal depression, but here are some of the most effective steps you can take. When you see the telltale signs of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), make sure to schedule an appointment with your psychiatrist doctor or mental health doctor in Bhopal as soon as possible to receive a full diagnosis, effective medication and treatment plan, and any follow-up care that may be necessary in your particular case.

What are the effects of seasonal depression?

Whether it’s called a seasonal affective disorder, winter blues, or SAD, seasonal depression affects people differently. Some people have only a slight dip in mood and energy that resolves when spring arrives; others struggle throughout much of the year with ongoing symptoms that can be debilitating. If you are one of those people who’s been feeling down for more than a few weeks and want to know what you can do about it, continue reading.

How to combat seasonal depression?

It is estimated that as many as 20 percent of Americans are affected by seasonal depression every year. While it’s easy to assume that these symptoms are a byproduct of winter’s dreary weather, it turns out that they have more to do with light deprivation. When there isn’t enough sunlight, our body produces less serotonin (also known as the happy hormone). This makes us susceptible to feelings of depression and fatigue. Here are a few tips to combat seasonal depression:

Eating a healthy and balanced diet

If you are suffering from seasonal depression, incorporating foods that naturally boost your serotonin levels in your diet can help combat your symptoms. Examples of these include salmon, halibut, tuna, and mackerel; try to consume at least one serving per week. You can also benefit from eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. Foods like bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit), bananas, and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C.

Ensuring that one gets enough to sleep each night

A lack of sleep can harm one’s mental health, which is why it’s crucial to get as much shut-eye as possible each night. And if you do feel like you need a little more rest, consider consulting with a mental health doctor or psychiatrist for depression in Bhopal. That’s because doctors may be able to prescribe anti-depressants that allow you and your body the proper amount of rest.

Connecting with people you love and trust (even virtually!)

Studies show that close social ties are one of our best defenses against seasonal depression. So when you’re feeling down, reach out. Tell your friends and family members how you’re feeling, and ask them to check in with you more often over email or Skype.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The Signs of Chronic Sadness in Kids


psychiatrist in Bhopal

Chronic sadness isn’t just common in adults, but also among children and teens. If your child suffers from chronic sadness, they may need professional treatment to help them deal with their depression and find happiness again. A psychiatrist in Bhopal will be able to help you determine if your child needs these services, as well as prescribe them if necessary. Keep an eye out for the following signs of chronic sadness in kids, which could indicate that they need psychiatric help and care.

Are there specific situations that make your child sad?

Loss is a common trigger for sadness, and children are no exception. It’s normal for kids to get sad when they lose a favorite toy or pet. But if your child feels overwhelmed by sadness all the time, it might be time to consult a mental health professional, such as one at Psychiatry Clinic Bhopal. A psychiatrist will not only help you identify what makes your child feel sad but also develop strategies to deal with chronic sadness.

Is your child refusing activities he/she used to enjoy?

If they are refusing to partake in activities they used to enjoy (like playing with friends or going to school), it could be a sign that something is wrong. Be sure to encourage them (with no pressure) and be open with them if you notice other changes in their behavior.

Is your child no longer interested in doing schoolwork?

If your child is no longer interested in doing homework or showing an interest in school, it could be a sign that they’re chronically sad. When kids are sad or worried, they can lose interest and motivation to do normal activities like attending school and playing with friends.

Does your child have trouble sleeping at night?

Perhaps your child is experiencing chronic sadness if he or she doesn’t sleep well at night. Kids who are chronically sad tend to find it difficult to fall asleep or struggle to stay asleep at night, which can lead to fatigue during daylight hours.

Does your child have difficulty eating meals at the table, even when hungry?

If your child is chronically sad, he or she may have a hard time eating meals at family mealtimes. This can be due to anxiety, which may cause some children to isolate themselves from their families and friends. One way you can help relieve these feelings is by making sure that meals are more than just about food. Instead, try using them as a time for your family to come together, bond and talk about daily activities and events.