Wednesday, 14 December 2022

5 Signs That Your Child Is Suffering From Mental Health Issues

We all have our own set of problems and some of us can ignore them but mental health issues are something that cannot be ignored. There are a number of issues that make our children suffer from mental health issues, but it is important to know what those issues are.

Our children are our future and they need to grow up in a healthy way. And if they start facing any kind of mental health issue, then it will have a huge impact on their life.

Here are the 5 signs from the Bhopal’s best psychiatrist that can show if your child is suffering from mental health issues.

1. They are showing negative behavior

If you observe your child for the past 2 weeks, you will realize that he/she has been acting weird. He/she is not speaking to anyone and is not taking interest in any activity. They are not interested in what is going on around them.

2. They are complaining about everything

They are complaining about the same things that they used to complain before, but now they are complaining about everything. They are complaining about everything that is going on around them and their life is not going well.

3. They are not able to concentrate

You will realize that your child is not able to concentrate on anything. His/her concentration is so low that he/she will not be able to concentrate even on their schoolwork.

4. Their grades are going down

It is the worst thing that a parent can see. Their grades are going down and their behavior is not good. This means that your child is going to fail in his/her exams.

5. They are not sleeping properly

If you observe your child, you will realize that he/she is not sleeping properly. They will be awake for a longer time and you will find them wandering around the house.

Also Read: Schizophrenia treatment in Bhopal


Children are our future, so we need to take care of them and make them strong. If you can notice these five signs in your child, then it is important to make a step and get them treated.


Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Mental Health Care Tips for Students

We all know that studying is one of the most stressful tasks for the students. Most of the times, when the student gets back home, he/she feels tired and sleepy. If you are not getting sleep at the right time then you can experience various mental health issues like depression and other such health problems.

If you have to make a proper plan for yourself so that you can stay away from these issues, then here are some tips for mental health care for students.

1. Make your room comfortable

Comfort is the key to mental health. If you stay in a room that is not good for your health, then you will face many mental health problems. You need to choose the best room that will give you a comfortable environment.

Also Read: Stress Treatment in Bhopal

2. Get sufficient sleep

The students should sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours. If you don’t get sufficient sleep then you will not be able to perform well in your studies. So, you should try to sleep for at least 8 hours.

3. Eat nutritious food

Don’t forget to eat nutritious food for your body. There are many studies that prove that a nutritious diet can keep your brain and body healthy.

4. Be social

Being in a group is very important. As a student you need to meet different people, and if you don’t have any friends, then it will be difficult for you. So, you should make your own group.

5. Do yoga

Yoga is the best form of exercise for the brain. You can also do yoga at your home. Yoga is the best form of meditation and it will help you to relax your mind and body.


These are some of the best mental health care tips for students. If you are facing any mental health problem, then these tips will help you to get rid of these problems. So, keep practicing these tips and make your life better.

About the Author:

Dr. Vaibhav Dubey is the Bhopal’s best psychiatrist with a decade of expertise in the field of psychiatry, mental health counselling, therapies, and much more. He has been helping many patients to get rid of their mental illness through his treatments. Connect with Dr. Vaibhav Dubey on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

10 Things That Will Kill Your Health


Many of you might have heard of the term ‘healthy living’, but it is not the same to live healthy as we know. If you don’t take care of your body, then nothing else will matter in your life.

We cannot live without food, but we can’t survive without food if we don’t take proper care of our body. So, you need to have a healthy and strong body. If your body isn’t strong enough to fight diseases, then it is better for you to get some mental support.

Here are the top 10 things from a doctor that offers psychiatric consultation in Bhopal that will kill your health.

1. Smoking

Smoking is the biggest problem of today’s generation and the most common reason for lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and even lung infections.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is the most harmful drug and if you consume alcohol, then you can get anemia, hair fall, liver problems, brain damage, insomnia, and more.

3. Drugs

Most of the people have a wrong idea about drugs. Many people use drugs to get high and it is completely wrong. Drugs can destroy your body.

4. Stress

It is the most common problem faced by most of the people. There is no limit to how much stress a person can handle. It is the most important thing that you need to take care of.

5. Poor diet

A healthy diet can make a person happy and stress free. If you eat junk food, then you will feel bad.

6. Lack of sleep

It is a big problem that most of the people don’t get enough sleep. It is the most important thing to get a healthy body.

7. Overweight

This is the biggest problem faced by many people and they have to suffer a lot to lose their weight.

8. Excessive drinking

Alcohol can make your liver function worse. So, it is better for you to quit drinking.

9. Physical activity

If you want to have a healthy body, then you need to stay active. You can start small and build up slowly.

10. Stress management

It is one of the most important things that you need to do. You can start small and work your way up.


So, these are the top 10 things that will kill your health. If you follow these tips, then you will have a healthy body. So, start practicing these tips and try to make a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

9 Effective Ways to Cure Your Drug Addiction


There are many people who get addicted to drugs and the number of drug addicts is increasing day by day. There are some reasons that make people get addicted to drugs and there are some methods to cure their addiction.

Most of the time, we feel that drug addiction is a big issue and it is a dangerous habit, but it is just a minor issue that needs to be cured. There are some methods that can be used to cure your drug addiction.

Here are some effective ways to cure your addiction:

1. Keep yourself away from drugs

Drugs are not good for our health, especially when you start using them frequently. If you want to get rid of your drug addiction then it is necessary to keep yourself away from drugs. You can try to take a break from drugs and make friends with non-users to make your recovery successful.

2. Get professional help

There are many drug rehab centers where you can find drug addiction treatment in Bhopal. It is better to get professional help to solve your addiction because these centers can help you to recover from your addiction and make your life free from drugs.

3. Change your environment

Changing the environment in which you live will help you to get rid of your addiction. You can try to live in a safe place to make your addiction less.

4. Have a hobby

Hobbies are the most effective ways to cope with your addiction. You can spend time with your family and enjoy your hobbies. You will be able to enjoy your time and will forget your addiction.

5. Talk to your family

Talking to your family members will help you to make your addiction less. You can talk to your family members about your problem and ask them for help.

6. Make changes in your life

If you have made some changes in your life then it will be easier for you to cope with your addiction.

7. Take supplements

Taking supplements can also help you to cope with your addiction. The best way to take supplements is by mixing them with some other food.

8. Avoid stress

Stress is one of the biggest causes of drug addiction. You need to avoid stress by keeping yourself busy and relaxing.

9. Change your thoughts

The thoughts that you have are the ones that cause you to become addicted to drugs. So, if you want to make your addiction less then you need to change your thoughts.


You can use these effective ways to cure your addiction and make your life free from drugs. If you are facing any of the problems related to your addiction then you can get professional help from a psychiatry clinic in Bhopal.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

5 Ways to Deal With Depression


Depression is one of the common problems faced by people. It is a mental disorder which causes a person to feel sad, depressed, or anxious. People suffering from depression are unable to enjoy their life and feel that everything is wrong.

There are certain drugs which can be prescribed for the treatment of depression. These drugs help you to stay away from depression but it is not a permanent cure for the disease. But when it comes to mental disorders, there is no treatment available.

Here are 5 natural tips to treat depression:

1. Avoid alcohol and coffee

Coffee is the most commonly used drug by people but it is not good for the body. Drinking coffee or consuming alcohol is a very common habit of people, but it will harm your health in long term. If you are trying to quit the habit of drinking coffee or consuming alcohol, then it is better to take these 5 natural tips to deal with depression.

2. Eat less and more often

People who are suffering from depression don’t eat enough, they eat less food and they take less sleep. You can avoid these problems by eating small and more meals.

3. Get involved in a hobby

If you are thinking that you are not enjoying anything, then it is time to change your mind. Start a new hobby like drawing, dancing, singing etc. If you are a dancer then you can learn different dance forms.

4. Practice yoga

Yoga is one of the best natural remedies for depression. When you practice yoga, you will feel relaxed and you will be able to enjoy your life.

5. Stay active

It is true that if you stay in a sedentary position for a longer time, you will feel more depressed. If you are able to do some exercise, then you will be able to reduce your depression. You can start with a small amount of exercise like jogging, walking, swimming or even dancing.


I hope you liked this post about “5 Ways to Deal with Depression”. If you are feeling depressed, then you must try these tips. If you follow these tips, then you will definitely feel better, says a mental doctor in Bhopal.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

7 Ways to Stay Calm and Happy Every Day


The world is becoming crazy and it is hard to keep yourself calm and happy. The reason is that everyone is in hurry and everyone is trying to live their life according to their convenience. Everyone is trying to get what they want from life.

So, it becomes very important to learn how to stay calm and happy. Here are 7 things that you can do daily to feel less stressed and anxious. These strategies are suggested by the best mental doctor in Bhopal, Dr. Vaibhav Dubey:

Focus on what you like

When we are busy in doing something then we are just focused on the outcome. It makes us forget about what we like. When you start to focus on what you like it will make you more relaxed and happy.

Be grateful for everything

We have so much materialistic things around us, but why we forget to be thankful for them? The reason is that we just think that we don’t have anything to be happy. But it is not true because we have all those things. We have a beautiful house, our own car, we have food and clothing etc. But, we don’t know what we don’t have. So, it is better to be grateful for all those things.

Take care of your body

It is very common that we start to neglect our body. It is one of the biggest problems faced by people. People try to lose weight but the result is that it will make them more stressed and anxious. So, it is better to take care of your body, because it will make you more relaxed and happier.

Do your duty

There are many things that you need to do daily but you can’t do everything. But, if you can do something then it will make you more relaxed and happy.

Do not waste time

Time is precious and we don’t know when it will be finished. So, it is better to use your time wisely and try to learn something new. It will make you more relaxed and happy.

Stop comparing yourself with others

According to a psychiatrist doctor from Bhopal, comparison is a dangerous thing and it will make you more stressed and unhappy. So, it is better to stop comparing yourself with others. You have to start to live your own life.


So, these were the 7 things that you can do daily to stay calm and happy. It is not possible to follow all of them at a single time but if you are doing them regularly then you will feel less stressed and anxious. I hope you liked this article and you will try to follow these things daily.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

5 Ways of Removing Stress from Your Life


Stress is something that has no place in the life of a person. Stress can destroy your health and make you suffer from various diseases.

Stress is the main reason behind depression and other mental problems. There are many reasons that will make us stressed out.

There are a lot of factors that play an important role in causing stress. They are work pressure, relationship issues, financial problems, health issues, etc.

The main reason of stress is that we don’t have any control over our life. We don’t know what is going to happen in the future and that is the reason why we are always worried.

Here are some tips from the best psychiatrist doctor from Bhopal to remove stress from your life.

1. Eat Healthy

It is said that if you are eating healthy then you will feel healthy. It is true that if you eat healthy then you will feel energetic.

Eating healthy food will reduce the stress and also you will feel happy. You will have more energy, you will not feel tired and you will also sleep well.

2. Take Time for Yourself

Sometimes we don’t know how much time we spend with ourselves and that is the reason why we are not taking care of our body.

If you are taking care of your body then it will not only make you feel healthy but it will also make you feel happy. You will not feel depressed and you will also be less stressed.

3. Get a good sleep

A good sleep will not only make you feel healthy but it will also give you peace. When you will sleep properly you will not be stressed out.

You will also get rid of all your problems and you will get a good rest. So, make sure that you are getting a good sleep.

4. Practice Relaxation

Relaxation is something that will make you relax and reduce the stress, says the best psychiatrist from Bhopal.

Practicing relaxation techniques will make you feel fresh and relaxed. You will also have a good night sleep.

So, practice relaxation and it will give you a good feeling.

5. Make a List

List is the best way to get rid of all your problems.

When you will make a list of all your problems then it will help you to get a solution for all the problems.

Make a list of your problems and see which one can be solved easily and which one needs your attention.


So, by following these tips, you will have a peaceful life and you will get rid of all your problems.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Effective Ways to Keep Your Brain Fit


Did you know that brain is one of the biggest organs of our body, which is responsible for making decisions and remembering everything? The brain has no age limit, but most of the people face memory problems as they grow older.

So, if you are also facing memory problems, then you must read this article to know what you can do to improve your brain.

Take care of your brain

The first and the most important tip to keep your brain fit is that you need to take care of your brain, says a mental health specialist from Bhopal.

Regular Exercise

We know that regular exercise will give us more energy and more strength, but what happens when you are having less energy. You won’t be able to concentrate on anything, so you need to make sure that you are giving enough time to do your work, studies or any other activity.

Eat Healthy Food

It is a common mistake that we think that food will make us stronger and make our brain fit, but you will feel disappointed when you see your friends eating junk food. You need to eat healthy and nutritious food to keep your brain fit.

Try to stay away from Stress

Stress is the worst enemy of our brain. We all know how stressful life is, but you need to try to stay away from stressful situations. You need to understand that stress will make you lose your memory and concentration.

Sleep for at least 8 hours

Sleep is the best thing for your brain, as it gives us rest. So, make sure that you are sleeping for at least 8 hours every day. If you don’t have enough sleep, then you will have memory problems, and you will forget everything.


I hope that you enjoyed this post on “Effective Ways to Keep Your Brain Fit”. Make sure to follow these tips for betterment of your brain, says a mental health specialist from Bhopal.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Overcoming Social Anxiety – The Best Ways to Overcome It

 Social anxiety is a common problem that affects almost everyone at some point of time. It is a mental disorder that makes people feel uncomfortable in the company of others and sometimes even makes them avoid social situations. In fact, social anxiety causes people to become isolated and avoid socializing, which cause depression.

Social anxiety is not just a mental problem; it also has a physiological impact. People who suffer from this disorder tend to experience higher levels of adrenaline, which leads to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This can lead to a number of physical problems, including headaches, sweating, and difficulty concentrating.

According to a psychiatrist doctor in Bhopal, there are many ways to overcome social anxiety. These include:

1. Self-Help

One of the best ways to overcome social anxiety is to be open to talking about it. By talking about your concerns, you will get to know yourself better. When you know yourself better, you will be able to recognize what triggers your anxiety, and you will be able to do something about it.

2. Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that helps people overcome anxiety by exposing them to their fears. This involves gradually exposing someone to the things that they are afraid of until the person becomes comfortable.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a treatment method that teaches people how to control their thoughts and behavior. This helps people learn to change the way they think and behave, and it can be very helpful in helping people overcome social anxiety.

4. Medication

Medication can be useful for treating social anxiety, but it is only recommended for people with severe cases of the disorder. If you are considering medication, your doctor will recommend a specific medication that is proven to be effective.

5. Other Treatments

Other treatments can help you overcome social anxiety. Some of the common ones are psychiatric counseling in Bhopal, group therapy, and yoga. There are also self-help books that can help people overcome social anxiety.

6. Talk to Someone

Social anxiety is a condition that is usually treated by talking to someone. Talking to someone who is supportive can help you overcome social anxiety. You can also talk to your family members and friends about your struggles.

7. Practice Relaxation Exercises

Practicing relaxation exercises will help you to relax. You can practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

8. Get Support

Getting support can help you overcome social anxiety. People with social anxiety often lack support, and this can make the condition worse. If you don’t have any support, you can talk to your friends and family about your struggles.


In this blog, I have discussed the best ways to overcome social anxiety. These methods will help you overcome social anxiety and they are very easy to implement. So, if you want to overcome your social anxiety, then try implementing these tips.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Why You Shouldn’t Get Overwhelmed by Anxiety?


handle your anxiety

As a person who suffers from anxiety disorder, it is very difficult to live a happy and peaceful life without stress and tension. There are so many things that make your life miserable and your mind always on high.

Let me tell you, why you should not get overwhelmed by anxiety?

You can never overcome anxiety completely; but you need to understand how to handle it, control it and live with it. Once you know how to handle your anxiety, then you will get relief from its negative effects and enjoy the rest of your life.

What are the causes of anxiety?

Many people suffer from anxiety when they face difficult situations or do not have any control over their work or life. There are some physical reasons behind this problem like poor sleep and stress management. In some cases there is no reason behind it as we simply get nervous due to some reasons.

How to overcome anxiety?

Psychiatrist in Bhopal would say that there is no way to get rid of anxiety totally, but you can control it, handle it and make it better. You need to understand that anxiety is a chronic illness which needs proper treatment to make it better.

So, how to manage anxiety?

Here are some tips that will help you to live a happy and peaceful life:

Get enough sleep

If you are having sleepless nights then this will surely affect your health. Your body needs to rest for a night so it should be in a relaxed state. Try to take 8 to 9 hours of sleep and then don’t wake up too early.

Take care of your diet

Make sure that you eat healthy food regularly as it is the only solution for getting rid of anxiety. If you are an athlete or if you work for a long time, then you should try to eat more fruits and vegetables as they will keep you energized and active for the whole day.

Do meditation

Meditation can help you to relax your mind and treat all the stress. It will help to release the tensions of your mind and give you peace and happiness. You need to do it daily for at least 30 minutes.

Find a hobby

Some people find it difficult to find something to fill their free time. So, if you don’t have anything to do in your free time then start doing some sports or read some books.

Get rid of negative thinking

If you are the one who is stressed out or suffering from panic attacks then you must stop this habit immediately. Negative thinking is the cause of stress and anxiety. If you are suffering from anxiety, then try to look at things from a positive point of view.

If you are facing any problem related to anxiety then you can take some medical advice from the best psychiatrist in Bhopal. He/she will be able to tell you about some medications that will help you to overcome this problem.


Anxiety can be treated as a chronic illness if you get proper treatment from a medical expert. By following these simple tips you can control your anxiety. So, if you are suffering from anxiety then start following these tips and enjoy a peaceful life.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Guide to Recovery


OCD Treatment in Bhopal

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder which is characterized by intrusive thoughts that are too distressing or difficult to control.

The obsessive thoughts are often related to a specific object, activity, situation, or mental state. The compulsive behaviors are often aimed at neutralizing or avoiding the obsessions.

According a psychiatrist in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, there are around 2.2 million people in India with OCD.

How do you know if you have OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can cause extreme distress, interfere with work and other activities, and disrupt daily life.

Symptoms of OCD usually start in childhood or early adulthood. However, OCD symptoms can appear for the first time at any age.

There are two types of OCD:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): This is characterized by unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that seem too distressing or overwhelming to manage. The person might experience these thoughts or feelings repeatedly, without being able to control them. Obsessions are distressing, repetitive thoughts that make a person feel anxious or distressed. Compulsions are behaviors the person feels compelled to do in response to an obsession.

Tourette syndrome: This is a disorder that causes a person to say things that they don’t mean or do things that they don’t want to do. It also causes involuntary body movements.

What causes OCD?

The exact cause of OCD is unknown. There is evidence that OCD may have a biological basis, because OCD has some features of anxiety disorders, such as increased sensitivity to stress and reduced heart rate variability (a measure of how your body responds to stress).

Other factors that have been suggested to play a role in the development of OCD include:

Family history – having a parent with OCD is one of the most common risk factors for OCD.

Genetic predisposition – people who have first-degree relatives with OCD are more likely to develop it than people who have no family members with OCD.

Early experiences – early stressful or traumatic events can increase the risk for developing OCD later in life.

Certain medications – some antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs have been associated with OCD.


Treatment for OCD depends on what type of symptoms you have.

If the symptoms are mild, then you may be able to control them with medication and other strategies. If the symptoms are severe, then you may need to take medication, attend a specialized treatment program, and/or try other treatments.


Medications are usually not effective as a single treatment for OCD, but they can help to reduce the symptoms when used in combination with other treatments.

The best psychiatrist in Bhopal says that the goal of medication treatment is to relieve anxiety, depression, or other symptoms that might cause OCD symptoms.

Other treatments

Other treatments include psychotherapy and other behavioral therapies. These are used to treat the specific problems that caused the obsessions or compulsions.


Psychotherapy involves talking with a mental health professional about your concerns. Psychotherapy can be helpful for people who have milder forms of OCD.

Behavioral therapy

This type of treatment uses strategies to change your behavior. For example, you may learn to recognize the thoughts that cause you distress, and then practice ways to avoid acting on them.

Exposure and response prevention (ERP)

This type of treatment is used to reduce anxiety by helping people face the feared situations in a controlled way. ERP is used for both obsessions and compulsions.

Friday, 4 February 2022

How to Combat Seasonal Depression?


mental health doctor in Bhopal

There are many ways to combat seasonal depression, but here are some of the most effective steps you can take. When you see the telltale signs of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), make sure to schedule an appointment with your psychiatrist doctor or mental health doctor in Bhopal as soon as possible to receive a full diagnosis, effective medication and treatment plan, and any follow-up care that may be necessary in your particular case.

What are the effects of seasonal depression?

Whether it’s called a seasonal affective disorder, winter blues, or SAD, seasonal depression affects people differently. Some people have only a slight dip in mood and energy that resolves when spring arrives; others struggle throughout much of the year with ongoing symptoms that can be debilitating. If you are one of those people who’s been feeling down for more than a few weeks and want to know what you can do about it, continue reading.

How to combat seasonal depression?

It is estimated that as many as 20 percent of Americans are affected by seasonal depression every year. While it’s easy to assume that these symptoms are a byproduct of winter’s dreary weather, it turns out that they have more to do with light deprivation. When there isn’t enough sunlight, our body produces less serotonin (also known as the happy hormone). This makes us susceptible to feelings of depression and fatigue. Here are a few tips to combat seasonal depression:

Eating a healthy and balanced diet

If you are suffering from seasonal depression, incorporating foods that naturally boost your serotonin levels in your diet can help combat your symptoms. Examples of these include salmon, halibut, tuna, and mackerel; try to consume at least one serving per week. You can also benefit from eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. Foods like bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit), bananas, and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C.

Ensuring that one gets enough to sleep each night

A lack of sleep can harm one’s mental health, which is why it’s crucial to get as much shut-eye as possible each night. And if you do feel like you need a little more rest, consider consulting with a mental health doctor or psychiatrist for depression in Bhopal. That’s because doctors may be able to prescribe anti-depressants that allow you and your body the proper amount of rest.

Connecting with people you love and trust (even virtually!)

Studies show that close social ties are one of our best defenses against seasonal depression. So when you’re feeling down, reach out. Tell your friends and family members how you’re feeling, and ask them to check in with you more often over email or Skype.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The Signs of Chronic Sadness in Kids


psychiatrist in Bhopal

Chronic sadness isn’t just common in adults, but also among children and teens. If your child suffers from chronic sadness, they may need professional treatment to help them deal with their depression and find happiness again. A psychiatrist in Bhopal will be able to help you determine if your child needs these services, as well as prescribe them if necessary. Keep an eye out for the following signs of chronic sadness in kids, which could indicate that they need psychiatric help and care.

Are there specific situations that make your child sad?

Loss is a common trigger for sadness, and children are no exception. It’s normal for kids to get sad when they lose a favorite toy or pet. But if your child feels overwhelmed by sadness all the time, it might be time to consult a mental health professional, such as one at Psychiatry Clinic Bhopal. A psychiatrist will not only help you identify what makes your child feel sad but also develop strategies to deal with chronic sadness.

Is your child refusing activities he/she used to enjoy?

If they are refusing to partake in activities they used to enjoy (like playing with friends or going to school), it could be a sign that something is wrong. Be sure to encourage them (with no pressure) and be open with them if you notice other changes in their behavior.

Is your child no longer interested in doing schoolwork?

If your child is no longer interested in doing homework or showing an interest in school, it could be a sign that they’re chronically sad. When kids are sad or worried, they can lose interest and motivation to do normal activities like attending school and playing with friends.

Does your child have trouble sleeping at night?

Perhaps your child is experiencing chronic sadness if he or she doesn’t sleep well at night. Kids who are chronically sad tend to find it difficult to fall asleep or struggle to stay asleep at night, which can lead to fatigue during daylight hours.

Does your child have difficulty eating meals at the table, even when hungry?

If your child is chronically sad, he or she may have a hard time eating meals at family mealtimes. This can be due to anxiety, which may cause some children to isolate themselves from their families and friends. One way you can help relieve these feelings is by making sure that meals are more than just about food. Instead, try using them as a time for your family to come together, bond and talk about daily activities and events.