There is no direct link between masturbation and depression. Masturbation is an activity that offers us the needed sexual pleasure and it is universal. It assists individuals to understand their sexual likes and dislikes. Having said that, we would like to let you know that part of people who masturbates may feel a bit sense of guilty as it has been considered as a social taboo, says a psychologist in Bhopal.
Masturbation is a normal and safe activity that can bring many benefits to sexual health, but part of the religions and cultures continue to abandon it. In spite of the fact that masturbation can’t be a cause for depression, a person’s religious, cultural or social beliefs may discourage them, says a psychologist in Bhopal.
According to a psychologist in Bhopal, people who suffer from depression experience sexual problems. Masturbation myths are also increasingly common among people suffering from depression. Masturbation does not affect the fact that a person develops depression, but his depression can reduce his/her libido, sex drive and can lead to a loss of enthusiasm for masturbation.
How depression affects libido
Depression can result in a person losing enthusiasm for the activities that they usually enjoy, including sex. For those who do not feel interested in sex, depression can be one of the reasons. Speaking with your partner about the same may be helpful. In case one or both partners lack sexual interest, they should discover different approaches for intimacy, such as cuddling and giving massages.
As a matter of fact, masturbation may help fight depression. It can make you feel sexually active again, however it is highly subjective. According to a psychologist doctor in Bhopal, a large part of the population go through more or less frequent masturbation that does not effective their mental health.
Part of the depression medications can also affect your sexual drive. Be informed that not all anti-depressants affect your sexual health, says a psychologist in Bhopal. In the event that you have been taking specific anti-depressants which you believe to be reducing your sexual activity, you must speck to your personal health care provider.