Thursday, 18 July 2019

The Rise of Millennial Anxiety Disorder


It is possible that our parents had a more difficult life, and that we have all the technologies, but the fact is that the millennia are one of the most anxious generations. So much so that this trend is called a millennial anxiety disorder!

Owing to various factors, such as the obsession to be connected to the world, student loans that charge interest, dependence on an ambitious future, periodic career changes and a limited job market, the millennium is one of the most anxiety-ridden generations, says a psychiatrist near me. Therefore, even if you have the healthiest diet and the best fitness equipment, their mental health is rather fragile.

Habits that Lead to Millennial Anxiety Disorder

1 – Sleeping Habits

A mind that has been allowed to rest enough experiences no anxiety. However, the millennial provide their mind with very less rest. There is no defined timetable at which they hit their bed for a good night sleep. This makes millennial more vulnerable to anxiety disorders, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal.

2 – Caffeine Addiction

According to a psychiatrist near me, a large part of the population start their day with coffee or some form of caffeine drink. As a matter of fact, many of such people are addicted to caffeine and are unable to function well in their life without it. Caffeine is a stimulant, consumption of which in the long run can make your body to remain in fight or flight condition. It tends to increase anxiety in the body.

3 – A Reduced Holistic Lifestyle

A large part of the millennial does not have their foods on time. They do not sleep well. They prefer to spend time on their mobile devices rather than exercising. A dedication of just 10 minutes per day of meditation and regular exercise will create a more holistic lifestyle that will help diminish anxiety, says mental health counselor.

4 – Obsessive Behaviors

Most of the millennial are obsessive in nature. These may be compulsive purchases, excessive eating, excessive use of alcohol and drugs, substance abuse, and that’s just the beginning. Over a long period of time, such activities can lead to anxiety disorder, says a psychologist near me.

Are Your Anxious? Read This to Find the Solution


There are a certain number of individuals who are simply aware that they are suffering from anxiety in the same as they are aware of their blond hair, or black eyes, or about their likes and dislikes of various things. However, it is also not that difficult to locate individuals who are not even aware of what anxiety is and how it feels. The latter group of individuals often belongs to a family or a culture where less emphasis are being put on mental health disorders.

With the above mentioned things in mind, we have come up with this post to introduce with a couple of techniques that can help you identify of your suffering from anxiety or not. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

Common signs of anxiety

1 – Agitation

Have you ever been annoyed with people or situations, and do not know why? Perhaps your fingers start to beat when the church comes 10 minutes late or stops in a group situation after an awkward moment. Excessive agitation is a sign of anxiety: your brain will most likely rotate, say doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

2 – Tiredness and fatigue

Do you feel sleepy most of the time? Chances are higher that it can be due to anxiety. Anxiety disorder can have direct impact on your sleep without letting you recognize it.

3 – Fuzzy thoughts or difficulty focusing

In the event that fuggy thoughts strike your mind often and you experience difficulty in focusing, you may be anxious. According to doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal, brain fog and connected symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating or short-term memory problems, are general indications of anxiety.

4 – Tight muscles and soreness

The muscle of the individuals going through anxiety disorders contracts. They may experience a bit pain in their jaw and legs, say doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal. However, there is nothing to panic about. It is simply the signs of anxiety disorder.

5 – Social avoidance

Do you often cancel your long awaited plans at the last minute? Do your friends refer you as a guy who never shows up? Maintaining a distance from stress-inducing social gatherings is a clear symptom of anxiety, say doctors, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal. Several things run in your mind, such as you may end up saying wrong things at a wrong place, or people at a social gathering may not like you and so on. Hence, you decide not to go to such places.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

How to Help a Depressed Friend or a Family Member?

depression treatment

If a friend or a family member of yours is depressed, you are ought to help them. However, in the event that you are not aware of what they need, helping them might appear a bit tricky for you. In this post, we are going to provide you with a couple of techniques that you can utilize to help a depressed person close to you. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 – Educate Yourself about Depression and Other Mood Disorders

In the very first place, you are ought to get yourself aware of depression and other mental disorders with the end goal to help your loved ones. Without having a piece of proper knowledge about the issue, you would not be able to help them, no matter how hard you try. So, better get yourself acquainted with the mental issue that they are going through, suggest doctors, offering depression treatment in Bhopal.

2 – Ask Questions and Dig for the Root Cause

Consider asking lots and lots of questions to your loved ones related to their issue. Given that the terrain of depression is so vast and different people may experience different symptoms, it becomes important to question them a lot, say, doctors, offering depression treatment in Bhopal. The person who is depressed is not going to vomit every information as they believe they might be judged. So, to better know what’s going on in their minds, you are ought to dig it out.

3 – Remind them that they’re Incredibly Strong

According to doctors, offering depression treatment in Bhopal, reminding a depressed person how strong they are is one of the best approaches to help them. Let them know that they are strong enough to overcome anything and everything, no matter what. If you are aware of any harsh moment that they have fought and survived bravely, recite it to them. Recall them the times when they have shown courage, stamina, compassion, integrity, and perseverance in the past. This will motivate and ignite the fire within them to fight depression down the path of healing.