Friday, 24 May 2019

How to Deal With Exam Result Anxiety


You are having a conversation with your friends regarding sports, latest fashion trend, or anything else, and then, all of a sudden, the thought of exam result hits your mind that converts your good time into anxiety, and you start heading back home. Looking forward for an exam result can shiver you down sometimes, which is quite considerable. However, you should allow your anxiety to hamper your present day, says a psychiatrist, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

With this post, we are going to provide you with certain tips to help yo9u deal with exam result nervousness. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

Identify the source of anxiety

A psychiatrist engaged in offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal says that you need to be able to recognize the sources of your anxiety. It means that you should determine if opinions of other people on your exam result causing you feel anxious or it is due to your future career aspirations. Determining the cause of your anxiety can help you fight it more strategically.

Communicate with your loved ones

There must be someone in your life with you share all of your issues, be it your mother, sister, cousin, father, brother, friends or anyone else. Sharing your issue with the one whom you love and trust can help you eliminate anxiety’s intensity. Just go ahead and discuss with them openly. There is nothing to be embarrassed of. A large portion of the population has gone through similar experiences, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal, offering anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

Stay active

You are not ought to spend the most of your day and night thinking about your exam result. A psychiatrist in Bhopal suggests to remain active. For the time being, you can opt for a part time job, go on a short trip with your friends or families, or finish those forever pending items on your to do list. You need to maintain a distance from the stressful environment.

We hope the above mentioned tips would reduce your anxiety level. If you believe that your anxiety has stared overpowering you and hampering your daily life, you must opt for an anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Do Marriage Problems and Depression Go Together?


The decision of two individual to get married is mighty that can have both positive and negative impact on the quality of their lives. The decision to get married can provide them with infinite blessings or fill their life with anger, Depression, stress, distress and that’s just the beginning, says a psychiatrist, offering depression treatment in Bhopal. With the end goal to maintain a distance from negative impacts of marriage and to sustain both personal well-being and a positive partnership, both the partners need to be understanding and should be aware of how to resolve relationship issues.

How Depression forms in marriage?

A marriage, in which a partner assumes the role of dominant and the other a submissive role, is likely to cause Depression in a partner who feels the lesser power or the role of the victim. A psychiatrist, who has been offering depression treatment in Bhopal to couples for more than a decade says that changing the dominant-submissive patterns to collaborative patterns can save marriage from getting worse and partners from getting into Depression.

Do Marriage Problems and Depression Go Together?

As a married couple, if either of the partners feels uncomfortable in getting along, it can trigger Depression. A married couple with excessive tension, non-agreement, regular arguments, etc. are more vulnerable to experience depression as compared to those who are single or in collaborative marriages, says a psychiatrist, offering depression treatment in Bhopal.

If the differences between husband and wife are significant, it is unlikely that treating Depression with one partner will be sufficient. 50% of women who took anti-depressants, in particular, reported that their family conflict was an essential and conducive characteristic for their condition of Depression.

When people say that their marriages had improved, their symptoms of Depression also enhanced. When women took anti-depressants and their medications improved the onset of mood, marital problems quickly suppressed Depression after treatment.

The difference between husband and wife generally precedes the symptoms of Depression. When marriage involves fighting, depressive symptoms persist. When partners take help of substances, such as alcohol or drugs to solve their marriage problems, or by distancing themselves and others, or expressing their anger in order to “blame” them, Depression is more likely to subside, says a psychiatrist, offering depression treatment in Bhopal.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Diet to Follow to Keep your Mental Health Strong


You may have come across a well-known saying, “You are what you eat,” but what does that imply? In a simple sentence, we can say that food is the fuel that keeps our life running. According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal, the nutrition in our system relies on the sort of foods and drinks that we intake, and it also impacts the functionality of our mind and body to a great extent.

We, being the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, are going to discuss a diet that should be followed with the end goal to keep our mental health fit and fine. So, without wasting any time, let us begin:

According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal, you ought to maintain a distance from sugary drinks and excessive amounts of caffeine. Calories are not present in sugary drinks, and they can have a negative impact on your tooth enamel. Excessive intake of caffeine needs to be avoided as it can cause panic attacks among individuals who are suffering from an anxiety disorder. Rather than consuming coffee, you can try tea as tea have a lower percentage of caffeine as compared to coffee.

With the end goal to maintain a distance from dehydration, a psychiatrist in Bhopal suggests drinking nothing less than 2 liters of water every day. The best psychiatrist in Bhopal says that dehydration can lead to fatigue, mood change and it can also weaken your concentration capability.

It is not a good idea to skip your breakfast as it can decrease your metabolism required for a day, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal. Skipping breakfast can trigger brain fog and lead to fatigue. You ought to make sure that you take healthy foods in your breakfast. If you do not have time to cook one, you can go with a whole grain granola bar, yogurt and a piece of fruit to get you off to a good start.

In lunch and dinner, do not take dairy products that are high in fat, fried, refined and sugary foods as they lack nutrition value. Intake of such foods can give rise to conditions like diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and so on. The best psychiatrist in Bhopal says that consumption of such foods can also elevate your state of depression.