You cannot be killed by depression directly like any other diseases does, such as, cancer and tuberculosis. Be that as it may, it certainly possesses some indirect threat that can lead indirectly to an individual being more likely to death.
Depression Increases the Risk for Suicide
One of the most common ways that depression can lead to death is if the feeling of being depressed forces an individual to take his or her own life. Depression can make an individual feel helpless and hopeless as well. Helplessness and hopelessness in turn can make an individual to conclude that suicide is the only solution that can help them to end their miseries.
According to mental health counselors in Bhopal, in the year 2013, suicide was the 10th prominent reason behind deaths of individuals among every age group. Truth to be told, there were around 41,149 individuals who took away their own life, and half of the individuals who committed suicide were suffering from depression.
A Cause for People to Self-Medicate
There are large number of individuals, who are not aware of the solutions to deal with their bad feelings, and thus starts taking some kinds of drugs and alcohol with a sole goal to sooth their bad feelings. Being dependent on such substances in order to heal their feelings is often referred to as dual diagnosis owing to the fact that there is an issue of depression and an issue of a substance use disorder as well. “Dual diagnosis makes the process of depression treatment in Bhopal complicated, since both problems needs to be dealt with as separate, however interconnected, issues” says mental health counsellors in Bhopal.
Mental health counsellors in Bhopal states that use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are the prominent causes in one of the four deaths. That being said, mental health counsellors in Bhopal also states that substances abuse is among the greatest reasons behind suicide.
Depression can affect individuals from any age group. If you find something strange in yourself or in your loved ones, such as, staying in room for whole day long, inability to concentrate or remember details, irritability, anxiousness, guilt and so forth, these might be symptoms of depressions. You are ought to see mental health counselors in Bhopal before the issue gets worst.